Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Way I See It - 1st Edition

It seems everyone has some sort of recurring theme on their blog, "About Me" lists, quizzes, or "The Nine". Well, I believe I've finally come up with one that's more suited to me. I'm not much of a writer, but I do feel that I notice things around me from a unique perspective. Ordinary things, often humorous, that most people would just pass by and not even notice. Things that could only be expressed in a picture. As they say, it's worth a thousand words. So I bring you "The Way I See It". Feel free to add a caption of your own, it's more fun when it's interactive...

Well, what else would you do after Happy Hour?


jazz bird said...

"No Cover (on anything)"

That really is priceless. I can only imgine what the trophy looks like.

Kingfisher said...

A 60 minute BJ? Now that really would be Happy Hour.

No mention of the spread?