Monday, October 03, 2005

October 3rd

It's October 3rd. In 2 days it will once again be that day that comes but once a birthday. Granted, I'm not really feeling old...yet. I'll be 38. Nothing special, but you're definetly not young anymore. Your laugh lines a bit more pronounced, and those "fine lines" around your eyes aren't so fine anymore. Some mornings it's a bit harder to get going. You notice your skin in general is just not as "elastic" as it once was and it's starting to sag a bit. Maybe even a few of those weird brown spots start to show up out of nowhere. You find yourself actually looking at the "anti-aging" and "nightly renewal" creams at Walgreen's. And you notice hair growing from all sorts of places hair should never be growing from. But you don't really feel old, you're just starting to look it. 38. What is that anyway? It's in-between nothing. You're not "30-ish" or even "almost 40". I guess most of your 30's are spent just creeping up to 40, but the closer you get, the more dull it becomes...


Kingfisher said...

Welcome to midlife! It may be ho-hum, but at least it's boring.

I'm approaching 45, and I refuse to look at "nightly renewal" bullcrap bottles or any other unsubstantiated hope-inducing skin alchemy.

jazz bird said...

Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was the only one this young finding those random little brown spots I've tried to convince myself are new freckles.

Glad you don't see yourself as old, since you're not even close to it. And, oddly, you look younger now than you did 5 years ago. I know aging is still a bitch, though.

Happy birthday-eve.