Wednesday, November 25, 2009


To give thanks.

But who exactly are we giving thanks to?


We make our own lives.

We live by our own decisions.

We decide poorly at times, but that which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Perhaps an over-used saying, but oh so true.

But I am thankful.

Even as I sit here on my couch, my knee wrapped up, hobbling around the house.

I see the doctor again in 5 hours. I hope they will finally schedule me for an MRI. I've been out of work for 5 weeks now. They've GOT to do SOMETHING!!! It's not getting any better on its own.

Unfortunately, in my heart of hearts, I'm reasonably sure this is more than some sort of bad sprain. It, more than likely, is going to require some sort of surgery. I can still walk, but not for very long. It looks fine first thing in the morning, but after moving around by afternoon it's swollen back up again.

I'm sick of ice.

I'm sick of heating pads.

I'm sick of that cane.

I'm sick of those crutches.

I'm sick of my couch.

But I suppose that things could be a lot worse.

So Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May you enjoy the comfort of family this holiday and stuff yourselves silly with turkey!