Friday, December 29, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In The News

And the winner for the least amount of Christmas spirit goes to...

"Every holiday season for 25 years there were Christmas trees at the airport serving Seattle. But one complaint, accompanied by the threat of legal action, was enough to get them removed.

Officials at Sea-Tac Airport said a rabbi with the Central Organization for Jewish Learning calls them offensive. He hired a lawyer and threatened to sue, demanding the airport put up an eight-foot menorah to balance the message of the Christmas trees.

An airport spokeswoman said the two sides couldn't reach an agreement before the suit was to be filed. All 15 trees were removed."

What the report doesn't say is that after this story broke, the rabbi received so many letters complaining about his obvious lack of anything even vaguely resembling a soul, that he dropped his frivolous lawsuit. The airport put the Christmas trees back up where they belong.

We win asshole.

A lesson to all you idiots out there...

Don't fuck with Christmas.