Friday, April 07, 2006

"What did I do with the _____?"

I have a hair dryer. My hair is short and I don't find very many occasions to use it. After I take a shower I usually just throw some gel in my hair and let it air dry. That hair dryer will sit on my bathroom countertop unplugged for months, mocking me every day with it's clutter-ness, until finally I'm forced to put it away underneath the sink. Without fail, the very next morning I will have need of a hair dryer...

Life is like that. The second you put something away, no matter how long it's been since the last time you used it, you will need it.

The pair of scissors that sit on your kitchen countertop unused for ages, until you finally put them away in a drawer. An hour later, you need a pair of scissors.

The sweater that you kept out well into the spring months, until you finally put it away with the rest of your winter storage. The very next day a cold snap hits.

The Scotch tape that you thought wasn't important enough to move with you to your new house, so you threw it out. As soon as you're settled, you realize you have a hundred uses for Scotch tape.

The lone, blank video cassette that sits on top of your VCR forever, until a friend asks if he can use it. The very next day there is something on TV you want to record.

The Halloween costume that went unworn for years, until you finally got so tired of looking at it that you gave it to the Salvation Army. The very next Halloween, you think "Oh crap! That costume would have been perfect this year!".

And people wonder why I always have stuff lying around my apartment.


Anonymous said...

That is why I can't park a car (or barely a lawnmower) in my garage. And even though I didn't even know I HAD a basement when I moved in my 6 years and 3 garage sales later it is completely full o' stuff "I might want someday". Of course I never will want it...but somebody might need a brass hatrack or a set of 20 plastic candy canes.

jazz bird said...

I know what you mean! I'm going through a big purge of stuff now so that it'll be much easier when I move. I'm convinced, though, that the second I get rid of something, I'll find an immediate need for it. It's somewhere written into Murphy's Law, I'd imagine.

Kingfisher said...

Whatever you're missing, check my garage. It's probably there.