Tuesday, July 05, 2005

4th of July

My roommate and I went down to 41st and the FDR to watch the annual Macy's 4th of July fireworks. Prime spots. A lot better than last year when we didn't get there until they'd started and were stuck behind the UN building. What a great show! According to my watch it lasted for 34 minutes. We were right behind the overpass, with the northernmost of the 4 barges right in front of us, so the explosions were almost directly overhead. At times your entire field of vision was nothing but explosions. Lots of new ones this year that I haven't seen before. I love fireworks...

After a long, crowded journey home we got off the subway just in time to see a neighborhood group setting off an aerial display of their own. Some pretty impressive stuff for just regular people. We watched them for about a half hour and then headed home, the explosions continuing into the wee hours of the morning. All in all, a great 4th of July. Hope yours was the same...

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