Friday, June 29, 2007

The Nine

9 Bad Things About Me

9) I hate black people. Seriously, what the hell is your problem? I am not responsible for your great, great grandfather's slavery. So lay off the attitude.

8) I'm not gay. So what is wrong with showing affection toward another man? I can't even show affection toward my own brother without getting looks. Yet I see women make out with each other in nightclubs. Are they gay? Nope.

7) I hate the police. Most I know are self-righteous assholes with a god complex.

6) The media feeds on the fear of the public to gain ratings. "Coming up tonight at 10, what you are eating could be killing you."

5) Insurance is the fleecing of America. Here, let me pay you thousands of dollars for something that may never happen, and then when I file a claim you can deny it.

4) George Bush...enough said. Only 19 more months, not that I'm counting.

3) Where the hell has common courtesy gone? I hold open a door for someone and they don't even have the sensibility to say "Thank you"? Blow me.

2) Rap stars need to create an original piece of music, not just cut and paste someone else's work and add a drumbeat to it.

1) If you don't like anything I've said, why don't you go outside and play a nice little game of hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.

1 comment:

Kingfisher said...

Hee hee hee! You are brave.

Hugs back atcha, bro. See ya in AZ!