Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Welcome To 2007...Now Kiss My Ass

On the 3rd of January my girlfriend broke up with me. She complained that we don't get to see each other enough. That she only saw me "on the weekend". Funny thing is she works the same 2 jobs as I do, and on an almost identical schedule.

5 days later, the incredibly intelligent, well-thought out, and without-a-fucking-clue management of this piece of shit I call a job have decided they no longer need my services.

They've pulled this bullshit on me before, back in 2002, and I bit the bullet. I took a demotion, and stayed with them for another year for less money and more work.

It is truly unbelievable just how clueless these people are. The last time they pulled this crap, the guy that they hired to replace me was so talentless, that they asked if I could perform my old part (for less pay) for the first month of the contract, because the idiot they hired to replace me was utterly clueless and needed another month of rehearsal.

This show only gets 3 weeks of rehearsal. This guy needed 7. And that's my replacement???

I can sing any role, swing any spot, reverse any choreography...and all on a single moments notice.

Well fuck you, you god-damn, piece of shit, mother fucking, asshole, fuckwad, son of a cocksucker, take it up the ass, egomanical, self-centered bitches. You'd have no idea how to discern "talented" from William Hung even if someone handed you "Casting For Dummies". Some of the most recent singers you've fired (that you claimed were not talented enough to grace your stage) can be seen on national television in the new reality show "Grease - You're The One That I Want", and another is currently understudying the role of Ulla in "The Producers" on Broadway.

You fucking morons.

I've given you over 5 1/2 of the best years of my life, and you STILL treat my like shit.

May you all die, and your putrid corpses be slowly devoured by the lowest life forms on earth.

I guess there is one upside to all of this...if you start out the year with this much crap, the only way to go is up.

At least you hope so.

1 comment:

Kingfisher said...

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

It sucks and hurts, but you will come out better at the end of this.

You have a refuge nearby. It isn't fancy or fine, but it is real and comforting and slow and relaxing and loving.

Use it.