Tuesday, January 10, 2006

You know you're a retard when...

We've all done it. Had one of those moments when you realize that something you'd thought since childhood is completely retarded. Nothing life altering or mind numbing, just something simple. Like an urban legend you'd heard as a child and taken as gospel, but now as an adult realize is completely ridiculous. Little things you don't think about often, but they pop back into your mind every once in a while. Case in point:

I always knew from looking at a map there was a city in Southern California named "La Jolla" (which I thought was pronounced "La Jo-la"). I had also heard of a city named "La Hoya". I always thought that these were 2 different cities. Now, I was raised in California which is the capital of Mexico, so I know that in Spanish "J" is pronounced "H" and that double L's are pronounced "Y", but for some reason never put 1 and 2 together. Not until last week when it finally dawned on me.

Like I said, nothing earth shattering, but you know you're a retard when...


jazz bird said...

I definitely know what you're talking about. For me, it was "chaos". I'd read it in books and thought it was pronounced "shouz" and in context kinda' figured what it meant. But I knew the word "chaos" when spoken. It wasn't until I, as an adult, went to look up how one spells "chaos" before I connected the two. D'oh!

Happy New Year, by the way :)

Kingfisher said...

Hey, cool! You were linked in Venessa's blog!