Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Land of the Amazons

Only in my current job could I ever possibly be considered as short. I'm over 6 feet tall. In New York I was always on the tall side of the men auditioning, but here seems to be another story. I just got fitted for shoes with an extra lift in the heel (no light in the loafers know who you are). Not only that but I'm also adding an extra 1/2 inch heel cushion for even more height. So I'll be about 6'3" in these shoes and I'll still be the shortest person in my line. What did I join, a basketball league?

Let the back spasms begin!


Kingfisher said...

Cool. Tall, curvy, topless wimmins. Lucky bastard.

I work in the middle of a coven.

BTW, it's really weird you chose that avatar. I came this close to using the Green Lantern about a week ago.

Dumb minds think alike, huh?

jazz bird said...

Heh- sounds like a family reunion for me (where I, too, am the short one- unlike out in the "real" world). Next time I'm in the area, I'll be sure to drop by and let ya' feel tall again.

Hmmm... other tall men, you say? That alone might inspire a sooner visit if I didn't know the other stats factored in there ;)

Kingfisher said...

What happened to Crazy Showgirl? She dropped off the blogoshpere.

Anonymous said...

I decided to focus on my dance company, I was getting to obsessed with blogging...

~crazy showgirl