Sunday, May 14, 2006

Super-size me

Earlier I posted on how America has become the Land of the free ride, home of the slovenly. In case you needed further proof, the standard sizes for child safety seats is being reviewed. Our fat children don't fit in them anymore. Below are some excerpts from an article in the Los Angeles Times:

"A 2004 study found that it would be tough or impossible to find an appropriate child safety seat for more than 283,000 of U.S. children ages 1 to 6 because of the combination of their age and weight.

"Many parents leave their heavy children in seats in which they exceed the maximum weight. What we know about car seat testing is that the seats are not tested above the weight ranges."

It's anybody's guess, she says, how well a seat would protect a child who is too heavy.

She acknowledges that the ultimate solution is to address the childhood obesity problem.

Since the completion of her study, two new car seats for heavier children have been introduced."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and where did you get the inspiration for this one? lol
this situation makes me sick, knot of nausea in my stomach sick.
When i was a kid my Grams would turn off the TV and stand in front of it if we dared to give her lip as she informed us that we had to go outside and play NOW! Thank you Grams for making me run around, enjoy sunshine and develop social skills with REAL live human beings!
No wonder we hav fat ass kids now. I know for a fact that there are kids near my place (lord knows they show up to get the free candy on halloween) but i have seldom seen any of them playing outside or heard them in back yards. I cant wait to see when we have to make bigger doors so the obese childern can get out of their houses and to McDonalds as obese adults!
I was at a friends house last weekend and her husband said something that was music to my ears. He tunred off the TV and chased his kids around the room telling them "go outside and PLAY!!!!"